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BSRA UPDATE 04.05.2023


We hope you are enjoying Autumn Pennant so far!

A reminder that Autumn Pennant Grand Finals will be played on the Sunday 25th of June, with semi-finals starting on Monday 19th of June.

Please save this date in your calendars for what will be a fun afternoon of finals action.


The BSRA Committee have organised a social night for all members, friends and family to attend. Richmond vs Geelong will be on the big screen and there will be a raffle to be won!

When: Friday 12th of May

Time: 6pm onwards

Where: BSRA clubrooms


Be sure to head to Bunnings (Creswick Road) this Sunday 7th of May and buy a sausage or two! All proceeds will go towards supporting the club.


Congratulations to the Ballarat Hot Shots for completing the MS Mega Challenge!

The Ballarat Hot Shots played 24 hours of squash and racquetball from Saturday 29/4/23 at 12pm to Sunday 30/4/23 12pm to raise money and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis.

The Ballarat Hot Shots raised $5,652.00 in total which is a superb result. A huge shout out to Michael Adamson who was the second highest individual fundraiser out of all the 79 participants. Michael was able to raise $2,500.

To find out more about the challenge or to donate, please follow the below link:

The Ballarat Hot Shots (consisting of Cass Landy, Sue Landy, Michael Adamson, Michael Boatman, Nathaniel Casperz, Justin Ellis, Lachlan Gallpen and Darren O’Donnell) placed second overall which is a fantastic result.

A huge thank you to all the members, friends and families who attended the Trivia Night to support the Ballarat Hot Shots!

The winning trivia team was 'The Odd Bunch' (pictured below) and the total of lollies in the 'guess the lolly jar competition' was 341!

A special mention must go to the following sponsors for their support of the Trivia night:

  • Ballarat Indoor Go-Karts & Laserforce Entertainment Centre

  • Bunnings Warehouse

  • Coles

  • Don Chichios

  • Zyia Active- Leanne Taylor

  • Mars Confectionery

  • Ballarat Minerdome

  • Munsters Arms Hotel

  • North Star Hotel

  • Paintball Games

  • Woolworths


BSRA is seeking donations for hampers that will be raffled throughout the year. It would be much appreciated if members could donate an item for the hampers to help raise funds for the association.

Things that you may consider donating could be (but is not limited to) non-perishable items, toys, vouchers, wine, chocolates, or any other items as appropriate. More details on when the raffles are to be drawn will be provided at a later date.


A friendly reminder that all members are required to hold an active membership prior to participating in any matches. Memberships can be activated via our membership tab on our website:

The system will automatictically email you if your plan expires, or cancels on the basis of a payment issue. If this occurs, you are therefore required to re-activate your membership.

Please see staff for any further clarifications on memberships.


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