After patiently waiting, BSRA will finally be re-opening for bookings as of Monday 23rd of November 2020..... with COVID-19 restrictions and protocols in place!
Ballarat Squash and Racquetball (BSRA) are delighted to welcome back all members for casual, 1 hour bookings as of Monday 23rd of November 2020. Bookings will begin to be taken from 3pm on Monday 23rd of November. We kindly ask that you do not phone the centre until 3pm (on Monday 23rd of November) to make your bookings.
To make a booking please call the BSRA mobile on 0448 410 845 to secure your court.
Below is a brief summary on the Victorian Government announcements on the 9th of November, 2020. To re-affirm, no adults across the state are allowed to be back on court until Monday 23rd November.
For Squash and Racquetball:
Only 2 people per court will be allowed.
This could consist of singles match play / rallying, 1 on 1 coaching or solo training.
If two players are on court having a coaching session, the coach must either remain outside of the court or be on court with only one player.
Doubles play is strictly banned.
What are the penalties for non-compliance?
Victoria Police can issue on the spot fines of up to $1,652 for individuals and up to $9,913 for businesses.
If you are seen playing doubles you will be asked to leave the centre by staff immediately, as this violates the Victorian Government regulations.
BSRA modified opening hours:
The centre will be open for bookings Monday to Friday 3pm-8pm.
24/7 access:
24/7 access will be switched on and available to members as of Monday 23rd of November. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic we ask that members who have the access please book ahead so we can regulate numbers in the centre as required by Government.
BSRA will provide cleaning supplies for the courts to be sanitised after each booking. Please clean and wipe the door handles you use whilst in the centre. BSRA will work on a trust system that members will do the right thing and respect BSRA property and instructions. Failure to do so will result in loss of access.
Temperature Checks/Face Masks:
Staff will continue to take your temperature on arrival. If your temperature reads 37.5 centigrade or higher you will be refused entry to the centre. Measures such as these are important to ensure our members and community are safe and to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Face masks must be worn at all times with the exception of when you are on court.
To Recap:
Bookings to be taken from 3pm on Monday 23rd of November, 2020.
24/7 access available from Monday 23rd of November, 2020.
Strictly no doubles play at all.
Face masks must be worn (except when on court).
Temperature must be taken before entry to the courts.
Players must sign in upon entry.
Hand sanitiser must be used prior to entering the courts.
EFTPOS payment is preferred.
Exit is via the club rooms only.
The 1.5m social distancing rule must be maintained at all times (strictly no physical contact).
A reminder to...
Not attend if you have COVID-19/flu like symptoms and / or have been feeling unwell.
Have been told to self isolate and have not yet been given clearance to come out of isolation or you are waiting on COVID-19 test results.
Have been in close contact with somebody that has or is suspected to have COVID-19.
Once again Ballarat Squash and Racquetball thank you for your patience and ongoing support during the closure period.
We look forward to seeing you and the centre back in action again!