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Thanks to the City Of Ballarat, BSRA are undergoing further renovations to the rear of the centre. Areas under renovation include the external area of court seven, meeting rooms and the mezzanine spacebehind court seven.

For the safety of all, please stay clear of these areas until the renovations are finished. As such there will be strictly no entry allowed to these areas! Temporary fencing is in place around the court seven space to stop the public entering the work zone on the North elevation.

Please Note: The external door adjacent to court seven will act as an emergency exit only for the duration of the building works. Please do not exit the centre through this door other than in the event of an emergency.

Rest assured members will still have access to court seven, with access from the ground floor only. The rear staircase next to court seven will be unavailable whilst the renovations take place.

Works are expected to take five to six weeks and we thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.


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