Ballarat Squash Championships
Entries for the tournament close on Easter Monday (5th of April). At this stage, BSRA have not received enough entries to run the tournament. Unfortunately. if we do not receive sufficient entries to the tournament by the above date, it may be cancelled.
Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser is on this Saturday!
Don't forget to pop by Bunnings Central on Saturday 3rd of April to support the club and raise much needed funds for the centre.
BSRA still require volunteers for the day, so if you can spare a couple of hours please sign up in the office this week.
Autumn Pennant
Autumn pennant starts next week Tuesday 6th of April. The pennant runs for thirteen weeks and finals will be played on Sunday 11th of July. There will be a BBQ and lots of fun to be had so make sure to save the date in your calendars!
FREE Massage with Vital Health Massage
Last chance to book in for a FREE massage with David from Vital Health Massage.
David will be at the club from 5-8pm on Tuesday 30th of March conducting half an hour free massages to members. David has three spots left to book (5.30-6pm, 6-6.30pm and 6.30pm-7pm). To book, text David on 0466 963 296.
Closed for Easter Public Holidays
A reminder the centre will be closed on Good Friday 2nd of April and Easter Monday 5th of April and will reopen on Tuesday 6th of April.
*24/7 access will still be available during this time for those members who have access.
The Easter bunny has also made an early stop to the centre! Thanks to Rob Greenwood at Ballarat Appliance Warehouse, we have a new 85 inch TV in the clubrooms for our members to enjoy! Special mention to Mark Squire and John Tobin for their help with installation.
Finally, BSRA would like to wish members a very Happy and safe Easter and we l

ook forward to seeing everyone back on court after a well deserved break!